Yes! Political ads are swarming social networking sites. Personally I am member of a few and guess what they have in common? well, aside from those similar and symbiotically adapting features, are massive political ads. Taking it to the internet is indeed an economical and wise tactic since almost every single citizen have already affiliated or shall i say signed up on these networking sites
. Those are just a few that are infested with political ads. Either in the form of an article, some biography, and others taking chances of selling their book on how they won the election. Cut the crap.
Those viewers may not have the capacity to make a sound comparative judgement specially the young ones specially the majority of the first time voters, whether the black propaganda is a hoax. I've seen personally and i think most of you did also.
Black propagandas
which usually with their best taken picture in it, tossed in your face.. you could almost burst your brains out trying to comprehend. And the worst part of it is that they are just trying to win.. And the voters losing. Losing revenues, taxes, that are supposed to be materialized for the citizens. We can't blame them can't we.. they've spent almost uncountable gazillions of cash just to own the throne.